Marky Marks Birthday

WOAH last night was one of the biggest nights out I had in AGES! I was proper steam boats...It was one of those nights where you're just chatting and having such a good time and you just do not take any notice of what you're drinking. Some see this as a fail...I saw this as a win and one of the best nights out in months.

However todays hangover was brutal. Managed to swing time off of work, it was dead as it is easter Sunday. Mark's family were all coming over for his birthday. His Mum and Dad arrived first with their present...yes at 28 he got a hoover! He loved it. His come back if anyone makes a joke is, "Ah I see, you still live at home with your parents!"

Superb afternoon with the Battrick family gathered, they're a beautiful bunch and a great laugh! The hangover didn't bother me too much! All worth it!

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