Clark Tales

By cclark

The Hidden Place,

AKA Maspies Den Falkland...I googled the walk and got a step by step guide to find this beauty spot, spent over an hour walking up and over a hill in search, with the Pentax in a wee bit confused with the step by step guide, that didn't have a map...decided to give up when we reached a road back to Falkland, when I noticed the area we'd been looking for, but this was long after getting covered in mud and deciding it was home time. As we noticed the path to Mapies Den I also noticed a sign stating THIS!

Ach well the trip was worth it, lots of exercise, a decent view and some giggles and not forgetting the awesome lunch in Pillars of Hercules.

Day finally ended at the pub with, Craig, Sooz, Grum, Paul and Janis watching the Man Utd v Man City game. Oh and of course bump was present, we were trying to work out a betting scheme for when Janis and Pauls bump will arrive and the weight, not least bombarding them with name ideas. Sooz is hell bent on it being named after her and being at the Suffice to say Vera Jack Cronin was rejected as a name, but Lucas is up there in the running with Ethan... Very few girls names where banded about hinting at the fact we all think its a boy. Janis and Paul are happy knowing they have about a month to legally choose a name... uh oh- will be sure to keep you all up to date on the outcome x

Of course today was the day in which the legend Margaret Thatcher died, and the social media of this country showed its ignorant self, people spouting mythical nonsense - people making up history (not every one of them) ! I have a hatred today of FB, Twitter you have shown yourself to be a wee bit more eloquent with people linking to facts, glad to know I follow a more intelligent sect on their. HOWEVER my favorite comments of the day came from Dod's mum Nell as follows:

"there's much speculation around our neck of the woods that she only got voted in second time around because all the Labour voters were at our wedding..... the date ?........... 9/6/1983
Ironically (yes pun intended) our reception was held in Wallyford Miners Club, I think you might guess from that, I'm no Thatcherite either, but the lady did have many values that I admire, and a fair few that I didn't!"

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