blink and miss

By boxgirl

My beautiful girl....

I didn't feel like going out with the camera today... think I've lost my mojo just now, not seeing any improvement in my camera skills just now, probably because I still don't have a clue what I'm doing most of the time!!...

Stayed at home today and spent a good few hours playing my box and going over some old tunes that were in danger of being forgotten completely unless I put some work in with them.

Had the company of my beautiful girl for a while today as she was working an evening shift today, it's quite rare to have the company of any of my children these days so it was quite nice... my son went skateboarding and announced he wouldn't be home for tea either, so when I'll see him is anybodys guess!
I still find it strange, but I have finally let them go...which I probably should have done much earlier but I am naturally an over protective parent...

I promised myself that I would clear my wardrobes of all my silly clothes purchases and put the ones with tags still on, on ebay today... needles to say it didn't get's such a teadious task... maybe tommorrow, or the next day, or the next..........

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