blink and miss

By boxgirl

Misty Musselburgh Harbour....

I'm a bit late with this blip...yet again BT has let me down!.. completely lost my broadband last night so I spent the whole night feeling absolutely lost!
I often wonder how I ever survived without it..

Popped into my work rather than just call to say I was coming back on Monday.. thought it would get my mind adjusted to working life again after a month of living a life of leisure.
I'm glad I did though, I didn't realise until I arrived just how much I've missed all the boys and the banter, they're the reason I love my job.
Ask me again on Monday evening and I might say something completely different!

Stopped at the harbour for a little while on the way back, it was almost deserted apart from a few men working on their boats... very peaceful... they mist was stating to roll in and I wanted to try and capture it but it wasn't very thick, I haven't mastered it yet, but I'll keep trying,.
We certainly get enough misty days here, so I'm sure I'll get plenty more chances to practise....

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