Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee


Damp foggy start today, but it soon lifted here at the spool base and it ended up being a glorious day, that was until stopping time and reaching Tore on the Black Isle ( don't know why it's called that, it's a peninsula)
Then it was clouds all the way into town, it's been rain off and on since :-(
What a difference from last evening, lovely evening with beautiful clear skies
Sat outside and watched the sky as it crept into the shadow of the night
First thing to appear was Venus, bright and beautiful, and as it got darker, it was clearly in a mood to cast shadows
Low in the south, Sirius put on a show for me, scintillating, lovely :-) probably the last time I see it till next winter
Could see Mars too, noticeably closer to Regulas, since the last time I saw it
Saw two brilliant passes of the ISS, Saturn and two shooting stars just for good measure.
I could have sat out all night and gazed in wonder at it all, but unfortunately it was a school night :-(
Hope you've all had a lovely day

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