When you dream

Oh Sparky, I wish I could get comfy and just sleep like that! Sadly, my sleep continues to be broken by the usual...pain, and needing to go to the loo. I'm functioning on about 5 hours a night, and it's not unbroken. Bleh.

Who needs sleep - Barenaked Ladies . I was also trying to find a decent version of a song by BNL called "When you dream" to post here...sadly, I didn't. But it was in my head as I was watching the moggy, all curled up and looking a little bit humanised...what DO they dream about?

It's been a knackering day today but good. Have continued working late into the evening, but even that hasn't bothered me so much. It has been quite possibly one of my worst days in months in regards to my ongoing issues with pain management, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel with my appointment being only 3 weeks away.

I also got a nice little ego boost tonight - one of my images from the photoshoot I did in February has now been used (and officially credited) for the promotional poster for the film that Ivan is producing. You can see it here - it's being used as the profile picture on the page - click on it to see the full version. Yeah - my ego needs massaging every now and again.

Now, it's bathtime, with a glass of something alcoholic.


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