
It's been a disastrous day for me - I feel bereft! Like I've lost an arm!!! My new macro lenses arrived this morning and before heading off to the hospital for my RA checkup appointment, I had a little play (as you do) with them in the back garden, finally managing to get a picture of my lovely purple tulips with dew/rain drops on them. Then, somewhere between the house & the hospital, the battery cover came off and the battery fell out :'( I searched both waiting rooms, the car park, the car and even phoned Asha to get her to check both inside & outside the house. Alas, to no avail as it is not to be found anywhere! I can't for the life of me figure out how it happened as you have to push & slide a thingie on the battery cover to get it open and there's a little clippy thing that holds the battery in. It's like someone has pinched both and just left me the camera :( :(

The RA check up went well though but I have been referred to Occupational Therapy to get some splints for my wrists and also to chat about managing my RA better. After the frantic search for the battery etc, I popped into town with MrFS and I softened him up with Pizza Hut lunch before dragging him into Primark and then Jessops where I stared longingly at camera's ;o) The result of that was I came out of the city with a lighter purse but have a new camera ordered and it's arriving on Monday :D :D Gotta love that man :D :D In the meantime, Caitlin has said I can use her camera and here is the lovely shot of my tulip that I used the card reader to get :D

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