
By Tinks

The Feeling

Jade's special Birthday treat was 'her first concert ever!' It was fab!!

The Feeling! at Newmarket Racecourse on Friday 1st August. An afternoon of racing, followed by an excellent concert.

Jade likes The Feeling loads and loved the fact that we were taking her to her first gig but when Jamie turned round to me and said, 'I've interviewed The Feeling a couple of times, I think I'll drop a line back stage and see if they'll wish Jade Happy Birthday!' I was a bit blown away and really didn't expect the rollercoaster of what was going to happen next!

They came out, they sang, they were fab! Jade was loving it! Then half way through, Dan, the lead singer turned round and said 'I've just got to wish Jade a Happy Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jade!! Jade's 9 today and here at her first ever concert! Hope you're having a great time!' Of course Jamie and I were giving it the big 'here she is!' and all the crowd were turning around saying 'Wow are you Jade? Happy Birthday Jade!' She was bright red with a beaming smile from ear to ear, as for me I was just about crying my eyes out!

The concert was great! Afterwards, Jamie said, 'Come on we're going back stage!' So, not arguing we all followed ... Jamie had a quiet word with the bouncer who replied 'You haven't got a chance mate!' to which Jamie said 'Please, go and ask!' So off he went and he came back and said 'A couple of minutes and you're all in!'

So there we were chatting to Dan from The Feeling for ages and ages about all kinds of stuff! What a fantastic guy he is too! We talked a lot about hair, relationships, his job, a bit about Sophie Ellis Bexter who one of the band is married to ... infact, he tried to find her so Jade could meet her too but she'd already taken her son to bed who was very very tired! Such a lovely chap!

... and of course I got a couple of snaps!! Must admit did feel under a wee bit of pressure!! But what a great day! :) One we'll all remember for a long long time :)

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