The Flight.

The big LTU plane in the background is the one we've just got off...

Our children were just so fantastically well behaved on the flight, complete stars, which makes you feel very proud as parents. The only Archie moment we had was when he desperately wanted to explore the life jacket under the seat and of course I wouldn't let him! Jade was her usual grown up self, slept a bit, read a bit, played her DS, played travel connect 4 (a gift in her party bag from Poppy's christening - thank you Cryno and Croz) and watched the movie.

The small plane in the foreground is the one we're about to get on for our connection in Miami...

This is the smallest plane I've been on since the island hopping taxi's in the Falklands. There was about 13 other passengers on board and the plane was half full. Archie and Jade both slept, thank goodness as my stomach was in my mouth a few times! The weather was horrendous, we were chucked about like a bit of tin foil in the air. Orlando International, our destination airport was closed due to the weather so we circled for a while and got chucked about a bit more until eventually we could land!

After picking up the hire car, we eventually arrived at the villa about 3 hours behind schedule.... but at least we're here and it's FANTASTIC !!!

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