
By schlimm

The hidden statue

Back at work after a long holiday that wasn't always relaxing. Travelling any kind of distance with our kids can be challenging but the added complication of my dad not being well and not knowing when he was going to have to go to hospital or any other appointment made the whole arrangements at theirs more difficult to cope with. As much as they really enjoyed having the kids there I didn't want the kids to be a burden or make the whole situation even more difficult. So it wasn't always easy to judge when the kids were too much of a good thing but we seem to have managed fine since both my parents commented on how nice it had been to see the kids and us.

Coming back to the office was therefore quite a welcome return to normality, I can worry about everyday things to do with the office rather than having to deal with the big issues of life (although, this is not to say that these also get dealt with at work and discussed in the office from time to time) but routine it was and very nice to be back.

In the afternoon it was good to accompany my colleague to his visit of a friend and colleague who is really not well and I therefore waited in the grounds. I found this bird, I suppose it might be an eagle.

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