am bioran

By AmBioran

PHC2012 Day One

The time has come for a revisit of my Pentland exploits of 2009. This is an attempt to climb all 35 hills over 300metres in one 'summer' on weekday evenings after work, before sunset.

Today's weather was typically crap so I was not surprised to be trotting across the hills in thick clag with only sheep for company.

I passed this odd building on the way back to the car. Don't ask me what it is.

I 'bagged' 2 of the 35 (in bold below).

Scald Law
Carnethy Hill
East Cairn Hill
South Black Hill
West Cairn Hill
West Kip
The Mount
Byrehope Mount
Mount Maw
East Kip
Green Law
Spittal Hill
Wether Law
Turnhouse Hill
Black Hill
Allermuir Hill
Castlelaw Hill
Cock Rig
Patie's Hill
Caerketton Hill
Muckle Knock
King Seat
Capelaw Hill X
Mendick Hill
Hare Hill
Darlees Rig
Bleak Law
Harbour Hill X
Mid Hill
Bell's Hill
Dunsyre Hill
North Muir Hill

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