Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

And then I shook it like this! .. Woah.

Loki showing Corra how to shake a bunny properly.

I've been horrible this week with my blips - I always post them a day late =\ My goal is to get today's blip up before midnight!

Loki seems to be feeling okay, not great, but nothing worrying. Hopefully his antibiotics will start kicking some bacteria bootie soon. Corra on the other hand seems like her normal wild self - except she has the squirts ;_; She woke me up at 4:30am so she could go out (she'd already gone on the floor twice :( - poor pup!) And then again at 6:30 am. She seems fine otherwise, so I am going to try her on a bland diet. Fingers crossed she'll have a normal wiggly butt soon.

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