Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Cornered, terrified, electrocuted

Yes... I know. I should have had electroconvulsive therapy years ago...

Well, this evening I had a go at doing it myself.

I ducked under an electric fence and got a mild shock on my head.

I then - knowing that a herd of cows was heading that way - dashed through a couple of fields to take this shot. I turned around to head home, only to find I was cornered by the cows. The only way out was to scale prickly hedges edged with barbed wire or convince the cows I should be allowed out.

Instinctively I assumed a rather impressive, 'Go-wa'aan. Go-wa'aan! Good girls, good girls!' farmer's voice and waved my camera at them.

They moved just enough to let me out and I ducked back under the electric fence (with my hood up this time) and went home to reapply deodorant.

Glad I got out of the house tonight though. So glad. I've got laptopitis and getting terrified is the very best cure.

(That's Lundy Island on the right, by the way)

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