Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish


I committed a terrible crime of the worst sort today - a fashion crime.

There I was, on the bus, looking for something in my make up bag, squinting, so I thought I'd put my sunglasses on and then....

POW! The overkill of leopard print hit me in the face.

The camera never lies folks. Today I wore a leopard print dress, a leopard print coat, with a leopard print bag, leopard print sunglasses in a leopard print case complete with my leopard print make up bag.

I calmed myself down and tried to reassure myself. The fashion police didn't have to know about the sunglasses, case and make up bag (or the knickers). I'm sure no-one would notice the coat, dress and bag - for one thing it would all probably blur together. Then I walked into a workshop presentation at college, sat next to my tutor who was also attending, who immediately leaned over and whispered "So what's with all the leopard print?".

So, guilty as charged, for the eyesore of leopard print overkill. My punishment is a complete ban from all leopard print for 2 months. Dismissed.

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