A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

I'm sure there's something going on

It's a long, long time since I've spent a day at a tech rehearsal with so little to do. And boy has it been a long day. I use the past tense in a slightly kidding myself optimistic way as we are still going...but I have hope in my heart that the end is nigh. And Carl has just texted that curry is waiting for me at home and The Voice is being recorded.

The play is Farndale Housing Estate's Townswomen's Guild's production of Macbeth - or something like that - it's too dark for me to find a script. I have the dubious pleasure of playing the piano (intentionally) badly at the start of each of the two acts and throwing daggers around at some point.

Haven't been involved in a play for a while and it's nice to be back in the fold but there is no escaping that tech can be dull, dull, dull...

Lesley x

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