A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Cycling in Ravenscourt Park

Lovely sunny morning combined with daughter keen to try out new bike and learn how to use gears found us cycling in our local park. The boys found an unused football pitch to kick around in and I took on the role of Gears Teacher. An able and enthusiastic pupil made for a successful outing and we are now fixed to tackle some longer family cycles. Previously we have been hampered by the youngest and smallest member of the family having the added disadvantage of smallest wheels and no gears.

Bit of homework and lunch and then off to dress rehearsal for me. Which is where I am now. One run successfully completed and the real dress about to start. So off I go to tinkle those ivories. I should have blipped how glamorous I am in my old lady dress, tan tights, brown cardy and navy straw hat but I don't want to show off.

Lesley x

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