
By Fido

A Saturday to be proud of.

Pouring with rain this morning, the kind that bounces off the ground and right back up at you. As much as I love the sunshine, I have to admit that on days when there are no definite plans and some lazing around is to be had, I quite like it being grey and wet outside. I think that sort of weather relieves any guilt I might have about staying indoors.

Anyway we didn't stay indoors that long but instead got togged up with waterproofs and wellies and spent a lovely couple of hours with our friends in our nearby forest getting throughly muddy and enjoying watching our free range, and rather wild, children explore puddles and caves.

Again this is not a great photo but I like the sense of space and scale that a forest provides and I love watching my boys having fun with their friends in this natural space.

You can only see three of them in this picture, where the blue jacketed one was is anyone's guess. Keeping track of all four was near impossible but we started and ended the walk with four so that's a good enough surely!

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