
By LynseyjPearson

My mind

Claire (the one on the right) is my best friend. She has helped me through everything in life. She's there to share the good times and the bad. I am a particularly selfish person unfortunately, I don't like having to share her craziness with everyone else but she is one of the most selfless people I know. She doesn't mind sharing my problems, she would gladly take my problem and share it's pain just to make it easier on me. We are sisters related by memories and experiences, not by blood but her and her wonderful family have been there for me the same as my own. She is mental and I slag her off for her spelling but she is also stubborn, she doesn't depend on everyone to do everything for her but i definitely depend on her. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her in my life. She keeps me sane as i"m known to be a bit of a stress head, she's my mind :-) xxx

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