The Tribute

My beloved and I stood in front of the large stack of beautiful work created by Mother Comforts hand, looking around and wondering who was going to be the grown up. You know, the 'take charge' kind of person who was always there when you were growing up and attended family memorial services. The aunts and uncles and cousins. Mom, dad, everyone would be there. For some, it seemed the whole town would turn out. There was something secure in that feeling when someone else was always in charge. No one ever prepares you, really, for that feeling you get when you are standing there, knowing there is a proper way to do something, and wishing the grown ups would show up and lead you.

We did manage, with wonderful support and help from our Pastor and the Funeral Director, to set up a warm and inviting display that gave all the opportunity to take in the many works produced through a long life of seeing art in everything, loving color with a passion, and loving the people she endeavored to delight with her creations.

When she created something from her heart, desiring to give it to the ones she loved, she invested quite a bit of herself in it. When her work was complete, although pleased, she had already set her heart and mind on the next thing, eventually preferring the beginning of a project over projects end.

On display, quilts, knitted work, leather work, wood carving, sculpting, china painting, water colors, pine needle baskets etc. Even her copy machine served as a delightful way to capture designs made from samples of foliage and flowering plants from her yard.

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