A Dog's Dinner

By G

Food Facism?

It was food shopping at the Coop this afternoon followed by a run on the beach. We were just saying that this is the best time of the year here, dramatic skies with a touch of coldness in the air.

Meanwhile back at the shopping. Stand by for a food rant.

The supermarket was offering prawns at half price today, not bad until you read that the're produced in Indonesia. Now this particular shop overlooks the prawn landing jetty where each week trucks from Spain come and pick them up for the European markets. So instead of selling a first class product based 800 yards from the shop they ship them frozen from the other side of the world.

This is madness.

...and while I'm on the subject they were selling runner beans from Kenya and asparagus from Peru! Can no one grow beans in Kent anymore?

rant! rant! rant!

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