New puddlesuit!

2years 184days

Katie is today showing you her new puddlesuit. Which incidentally is stood in front of her new bike. Our new bike. We're very excited about it. Our last one was a total nightmare from the first time we rode it. This one was just incomparable. With bonuses like the frame fitting me better, the frame allowing for a better position of her bike seat for me to ride comfortably. And it not feeling like I'm pulling 90stone when I try to go uphill. All advantages.

Prior to the arrival of imaginatively named "White Bike" we had a leisurely start to the day before we went to church with Vic and Jaden. Katie was as always very excited to see him. She had fun in her Sunday school class, although was apparently not quite her usual self. We came home and I did lunch, before she asked to lie down. She slept for two hours!!

Not that long after she woke up, our friends came for us again - Katie went and played with Lydia, and I went to get the bike. Apparently Katie spent most of the time saying "I want to see it white bike, where's my white bike". Of course, as soon as we were back at the house, she wanted to go straight on on the new bike. And is very pleased with it, as am I.

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