Tales of Us

By donz

Leaf Trouble

Today we spent quite a bit of time outdoors, considering it was supposed to rain all day. It started in the park with lots of cycling, scooting, cricket and other such pursuits until J fell off his bike - which saw Mummy race at lightening, herculean speed across the other side of the park to where he was lying on the floor. Judging by his screams I was expecting blood but all was fine apart from a few scrapes and a rather nasty chunk out of his helmet. It turns out he's getting rather confident on his new bike and was "showing off"!

In the afternoon we raked leaves and planted some seeds in the garden. As you can see from the photo, we collected all the leaves only for J and C to jump on them and eventually spread them back over the lawn again!

I broke my second set of shears today on some bamboo - oops!

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