Both Sides Now

By issybe

Growing up little seedling are no longer seedling but little plants. I potted them this morning and hopefully they will continue to thrive.

My Sunday was a little mixed. A lazy start with breakfast in bed (blackberry porridge!!) followed by a walk with Chester Dog, but without P who had to go into work.

I watched a bit of the Marathon as a friend of mine was running, but of course I did not see him. But then I didn't look in the right places..... His hamstring went around 18 miles and he had to be treated by paramedics. Hero that he is, he continued after treatment and walked the rest, so that he can collect his sponsorship money. (He did it in 4:12 rather than the 2:48 he had hoped)

The rest of the day was spent working :( Loads of speaking to mark and get ready for submission, not to forget a lesson on the Dative to plan for Year12.

Had a nice chat with my Mum who has just had a cataract removed from her eye but seems to be doing really well - her main worry now is that she can see her wrinkles... and is disappointed that she looks older than she thought she did ;-)

Right... time for some rubbish TV now then bath and reading my book.

Here is to feeling you have had a productive day!

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