
By Foxxxey

Going going gone....

All weekend I've had my rad in books and I'm sorry to say I'm only half way through with my assignment. I started work at 7am both days and feel like ive got nowhere.Maybe I'm just not cut out for this!

Packed up about 4 after not being able to string a sentence together. Where oh were has the weekend gone.

Had my first session of lazier tattoo removal today. To say I would experience discomfort was an under statement. Ouch blooming ouch.

It took no time at all for him to finish and my arm was smoking, literally smoking. The skin had blistered and bled and the smell was awful. Note to my younger self... What were u thinking..... Next time listen to your mother.

The first words out of her mouth when I it back???? Yes u guessed it. I don't want to say I told u so BUT. Why say u don't want to say if ur going to say it anyway woman. Gotta love her tho.

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