Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Bird of Paradise

After the traumers of yesterday, today has been very peaceful, even enjoyed doing housework.

For my sins I am the President of my community. Yesterday was our AGM, and unfortunately I had to endure 4 hours of vitriolic diatrabe from some of the Germans, who have nothing better to do than sit and pick holes in anything and everything you try to do. At one point a particularly large German, we call him Sumo, actually started poking me in the chest and told me everything was my fault. This from a guy who only comes here for 3 weeks in the year. I think a weaker person would have broken down in tears, but not me. I told them they were the most vindictive people I had ever had the pleasure to come across, and that did they not realise how degrading it was to be spoken to they way they spoke to me. At that point I resigned, which shook them rigid, as we have to by law, have a President. Not one of them would stand for the post, so our administrator was about to put the names in a hat and draw one out, the look of abject horror on faces was a joy to behold, when I actually relented said I would stand again this year, but would do nothing for the Community. This they accepted, the down side is my German neighbour, who is an ex president decided he wanted to be my vice president, he cannot stand me and I hate him!! Lovely working relationship. So watch this space for further updates.

Anyway the flower, I have been ill in bed for 4 days with a virus. Today I went to check on my neighbours house as she has gone back to the UK, and lo and behold there were three of these beauties in full bloom in her garden. So I have cut them down and they are now in a vase in my lounge.

I particularly like the Bird of Paradise, as a flower it just defies any sort of logic as to why it should have grown in the form it has. It just doesn't look real.

My faith has been restored in human kindness, my neighbour (the 'I' specialist - I have done this, I have been there) has just brought me a bunch of flowers. I take back everything I've ever said about you Grahem!!!

Anyway, off to have a shower and go out for a meal with my everloving husband who has the patience of a saint. Not only does he put up with me, we've just had my mum out for 2 weeks.

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