Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Palm Sunday

In Elche, which is a large town about 15 minutes from me, they grow palm trees, millions of them. About this time of year certain trees are selected to have their branches covered in black plastic. The reason for this being, that these palms are used to make the white palms for palm sunday. So they wrap the branches up to stop the sunlight reaching the palm and therefore prevent photosynthisis. So driving through the countryside you see hundreds of trees all with black plastic round them, looks weird. Then a couple of weeks before palm sunday they are all uncovered and the palms cut down.

Played golf today for the 1st time in a couple of weeks, had a nasty virus which layed me low. Came 4th, lost out on the money by 1 point, hey ho. no cheap chinese tonight.

The bushes in front of the trees are pomegranite bushes, and the pomegranite is the national emblem of Spain, everyone things it is the orange. (learnt that in a quiz)

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