Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Work in Progress

Had hoped to finish building the new shed today buts it turned out to be a bit of a frustrating day. Had to make 2 trips to Campbeltown as Mrs B's car required new brakes. Seemed to be a good wee garage and are only charging a fraction of what the main dealer in Glasgow was looking for at MOT time last year. The big boys are certainly not the cheapest!

Anyway, that took 3 hours out of my and if I add the time we spent covering the shed with a tarpaulin when showers came on, we probably only ended up spending half a day on the build. Never mind, it was very satisfying banging all the logs together and seeing the shed take shape. It was even more satisfying when the last log was in place and we had no odd bits left over. Had to double check a few times to make sure the door and window were the right way round, although at one point we did have the window upside down! Had I not noticed it would have been a nightmare of a job trying to disassemble the logs, which are tightly locked in place at the corners.

By end of play, when yet another shower came on, all the roof timbers were in place and the shed wrapped up in its tarpaulin to protect against overnight weather. All being well with the weather tomorrow, we'll get the roof shingles on, lay the floor and give the timbers a few coats of preservative. Then it will be ready for all the weather can throw at it!

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