everyday another photo

By sarahphilp

Today our workshop was on inversions...that means shoulder stand, headstand and the dreaded handstand. Only today, it was not so bad, I did much better than I have in the past and mastered getting into a headstand with straight legs (I couldn't do that a few weeks ago, well not on my own), I managed some other headstands that I didn't think I would be able to do and with help I managed a couple of breaths in a handstand. Thanks to Gill for be my partner, we had good fun.

We can tell it's week 2, tonight there was an ice-cream frenzy....we were all ordering ice-cream. The need for a treat! I had chocolate and coconut. Kino even had a double scoop portion!

No wokrshop tomorrow so we're going to go out for breakfast and do a little more shopping....

Hard to believe we only had two days of Mysore and a led class left.

The light in the evening is lovely and tonight the water was so warm when I walked into the sea to take this shot (with my full length dress hoiked up as high as I could...elegant)

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