Friday Foto

By drmackem

Blue Bell Woods

Running through bluebells this evening was to be honest a bit slip slidey, it's pretty muddy in Middleton Woods. Still the blue bells are approaching their prime in the lower reaches of the woods and it's a sight to see.

Interesting that as you climb through the woods, over the road, across the horses field (still up) and on to Calvary the bluebells substantially thin out - it seems that altitude makes a difference - they seem about 2-3 weeks behind the lower reaches nearer river level.

There a great photo in there, a better light perhaps, a tripod, a bigger camera, a battery (this one cut out after this shot), and a more talented photographer. I will return in better light with a charged battery and hone my skills(aka take a thousand shots cos one will look good by the law of averages)

PS Local blippers should I arrange a Bradford and Baildon Blippers Blip Bluebells Blipmeet (family/dog friendly wander through Middleton Woods over Bank Holiday Weekend?) 3 yes's in comments today and I'll set up a blipmeet entry on forums

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