
By Purplefairy

Happy birthday Mum.x

Up again before the alarm this morning. Blue skies and Sally was keen to go out for her walk before i left for school.Bin day aswell so not only did i have to wrestle with 1 wheelie bin,2 recycling boxes and a paper bag but got pulled up the road at great speed.!!!Should of stood in the bin and be pulled along like a chariot.
Literacy,singing and then music this am then followed by rounders and science.
The children are very laid back about playing rounders, no shouting each other on or cheering when rounders are scored!!! Things have changed since i was in school. Rounders was a treat for us in primary school,a chance to go and play on the field and it also ment that summer was on it's way.
Now home and time to sort out my camera bags which seem to have taken over my room!!!! x

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