Out for a walk.x

Up early after a great 9 hours sleep. Felt much better and a lovely cup of coffee and then a smoothie in school i was ready to take on the day.
Groups this am followed by Maths. Measuring got a bit stressful with 3 and 4 but i made it to lunchtime.
This afternoon we have been looking at National Parks in Wales............but first we had a look at a map of the UK and it was crazy to find not many of 3 and 4 knew where, Wales, Wrexham or even London were on the map!!!!
Early finish tonight so i took Rory and Daniel home then called in for a Birthday Cake for Mum.
74 today so we are all off out for a meal tonight to celebrate.
Sally has just had half an hour out with her ball and is now flat out on the kitchen floor. x

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