I thought I'd blip my boy today and the exact way he looked this morning when I took him to school before they left for Castle Toward over by Dunoon.
I know when I see this face again in 4 days time it will be grubbier, frecklier, tireder and older than it looked this morning.
I miss the kids when they're not around but it's so good for them to experience new things and develop the confidence to take life in their stride.
Freya and I are off to a meeting at the high school now because she goes off to Italy with them in a month's time! I never went abroad when I was at high school as I didn't really have the confidence to be away from home and my family and although Freya is nervous, I know she will have an amazing time.
The house is very quiet without Noah, Freya is even missing him already, and I can't wait til Friday to hear of all his adventures and thrills.
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