I Smell Like I Sound, I'm Lost & I'm Found

And I'm Hungry Like The Wolf

21.30 flight from Edinburgh to East Midlands, yep, off to the mainland again. Got the 19.45 bus from outside my house, cleared security (coat, scarf, jacket 1, jacket 2, boots off and back on again) and 'airside' within 20 minutes. Boom!

Flight delayed by 30 mins, I'll take that, so mooched about, hit the Mac shop, bought an eyeshadow which is probably a mistake, and then sought out some grub. Hit Wetherspoon, more success than two weeks ago as the kitchen was still open, got some chips and a glass of rioja. They rang the wine up and it was £8.65. I said I only want a glass and was told that is for a glass. It was a large one, mind, so I asked for a small one. Still, I was shocked. In Wetherspoons! I clearly dont get out enough. Seriously good chips though, I'll definitely go back for more.

Mooched off to the gate via an empty Duty Free, sprayed every available surface of my body I could get away with to try out all the things I fancy. Think it's going to be Silver Rain by La Prairie, if I can sell my house to buy it, that is.

Hungry Like The Wolf, Duran Duran.

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