Black Watch

Coffee with ClareClare and Mickey John. Toddlers and cuddles with baby Charlie. Pointless trip to Truro to not collect a new iPhone from the Apple shop that doesn't sell iPhones. Toddlers at school. Friends meeting at school. Fire station visit with Brownies (more of that in a mo). Bella to guides. Collect Bella from Guides. And relax...

So a while ago I organised a Brownie visit to the Fire Station with Blue watch. This was way back when life was far less exciting than it is now. We all turned up for 5.30 only to find Black Watch were on duty and our visit wasn't on the planner...

However, they stepped up to the mark and did us proud. The girls seemed to enjoy themselves, especially playing with the hoses and making various firemen slide down the pole! And as we left the alarm went some got to watch them go out on a shout and watch all the retained firefighters come screaming into the fire station.

So only White Watch left to harass stalk meet ;-)

Oh and that is Bella, Ally and Lily playing there - Red was also with us but I wisely kept him away from the water. I am especially looking forward to next week's visit to the Lifeboat...

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