No name

We managed an earlyish night last night. Then Princess threw up in her bed around midnight so I was stripping beds AGAIN! I loath changing beds. I am weak from all the bed stripping and washing that has gone on recently...

The alarm went off just after 6 to get Ally to school for 7. His class are going to London for 3 days. Everyone was very relieved that he could go after being unwell. They arrived safely around 2.30 and have yet to update their blog on how the first day has gone. I suspect they are still not back at the hotel!

We were off again at 9 to get Mum to the airport. We have successfully managed a fortnight without killing each other! Typically I was rung at 8.30 by the Ikea delivery men to say they would be with me in 1-2 hours! Luckily the cavalry stepped in to sit and wait. Although in the end they arrived a couple of minutes before I got home. Law of Sod I believe.

An afternoon of pottering followed. Lily didn't stop moaning that she was bored. A quick visit to the GP to get some eczema cream for the Smallest Boy's head wax the afternoon's highlight! Oh and Bella had a friend round for tea.

I have finally started the ironing pile and am trying to sort out bedding back into 'bundles'. Dallas is on catch up and I'm hoping to get an earlyish, undisturbed night. Fingers crossed...

I forgot to explain the blip. Mum got this chap to go in my garden with Samantha the hippo (I wasn't allowed Felicity the flamingo). He has no name. Colin has been vetoed. Any suggestions?

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