Simply Me

By Suze981

Walking in the rain...

I went to the cinema tonight to a free preview of the film 'Safe' with Jason Statham. Hmm what can I say, awful film - poor script, bad acting and no plausible plot. If you were thinking of seeing it, I wouldn't bother. The film seems to have been entirely shot to show a half naked Statham cage fighting within the first 5 minutes.

I did enjoy catching up with my friend Keri though. On the way home, it was drizzling, but nothing too bad. I spotted this looming grey cloud and wondered if I could make it home without getting drenched. What do you think? Yup I'm still wringing out my hair ;)

(actually looking at it now on the computer screen, it doesn't seem as bad! I assure you it was more sinister!!)

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