Bedtime boy

What have we done today... Got up late (what has Charley done to me - 8am is now considered "late"!!), made fizzy jelly (use really cheap diet lemonade instead of water) as I made breakfast, got us to tots only a little bit late, had a lovely time with the babies and mums, home via the shop (where Ben managed to tempt me into buying chocolate because he asked so nicely for magic stars that I got him to put some maltesers into the basket as well as his stars lol), leisurely lunch, DVDs, playdoh, very little really.

This evening has been pretty good too. Pasta and cheese sauce for tea by request, and fizzy jellies for pudding! Then up to bed for Charley, and Tree Fu Tom for Ben after he got pyjamas on. Steve went out again (it's the week of prayer at church so prayer meetings every evening) and Ben came upstairs not long after.

So the boys went to sleep okay again. And stayed asleep! I could've had a shower, that's how long Charley was ok for! Instead I got all the washing up done, dealt with the dishwasher, sorted and folded the nappies and muslins, emptied two plastic crates from the attic that have been sitting in Ben's room for over a month (one had useful things in like baking tins, the other had whisky in! Winner!), and started putting things back into the crates to go back intk the attic. Amazing.

Evidently Charley has picked up on the fact that I don't have loads of stuff to do in the evenings at the moment (craft kits done) and is deciding to sleep a bit instead of waking 30 seconds after I get out of bed....

Anyway. Another day of doing stuff that doesn't happen to be especially photogenic or interesting.... Am I losing my blip mojo? With three daily journals to keep up plus a blog it's little wonder. It's tricky lugging a camera around when we're out because Charley is on me and so is all the rest of our gubbins, actually no it's not tricky it's just not on my priority list of things to go in the bags and therefore gets forgotten!

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