Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


Unfortunately my husband had to return to the UK today which has meant another day this week without the car. So myself and O have had a day of trams and lots of walking (in the rain) in order to get from school/work to ballet lesson to home to creche to collect D to home. It's actually been quite a bit of fun, apart from the rain, but when you've got kids it just takes so much longer to get anything done.

This evening as I was putting D to bed O was supposed to be getting herself ready for bed. Of course a four year old can find a million other things to do rather than get ready for bed so when I walked into her bedroom to see her drawing on her whiteboard it really didn't surprise me. In fact it made me smile as it provided me with a blip for today! Apparently it is a picture of me and her and we are (in Olivia's words) "thinking about thinking and thinking about how much we love each other and thinking about my friends". We are also holding heart shaped biscuits in our left hands!

I love her drawings as they always tell a story, no matter how banal!

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