Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

The Australian Way

This blip is dedicated to my very dear friend Jenelle aka Dino. She's an australian gal who I met when we worked together in Oman. We just clicked. She got me. I got her. It was emotional when she left but she was pining for her boyfriend, Ryan, back in Oz.

Anyway fast forward a few years and she and Ryan decided to fly to the West coast of America, buy some bikes and cycle up to Canada, as you do (they did stop off in Brussels for a few days so we had a good old catch up). They are pretty hardcore as you can tell.

A few days ago we received the news that they had finally married - woohoo! However, in true Dino and Ryan style they skiied out across a lake (somewhere in Canada) with a marriage celebrant and tied the knot - quite literally as they used climbing rope to make their wedding rings! How cool is that? They really are an amazing couple. Their year long trip will soon be over but I'm guessing there will be huge celebrations when they return home.

Dino has been following my blip on her travels so this one is for you my lovely gorgeous friend. We are so pleased for you and are saving our pennies to come and visit you back in Oz!

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