A MIMent In Time

By justmim

20/30 - bokeh


Really quite heavy emphasis on the ish!

It has been a day full of IPE and soggy socks, which has a horrible habit of turning this curly head into a slightly grouchy version of herself.

As discovered by a couple of poor, unsuspecting friends while discussing tomorrow's weather prospects earlier.


On the plus side my fridge is replenished, peanut butter stocks are looking far healthier and tomorrow some socializing shall be done (maybe even on the beach ;]).

Now, I keep telling myself that I will get into the habit of posting a "Today I'm thankful for" each day at the end of my blips. Being as today has been one with a little too much grouch it seems sensible to counteract that and start here...

So here it is, today I'm thankful for:

-a dry flat to return to :]
-friends at just the right time!
-rain (it may make my hair fuzzy and my fingers chilly, but we would be in trouble without it...)

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