A MIMent In Time

By justmim

19/30 - something orange


What to write?

Feeling a little sleepy!!

Went in to Edinburgh this morning to help at the creche for the women's Bible study. Completely over-estimated how long it would take the bus to get in so found myself having a little wonder through the city centre beforehand :]

Creche was a lot of fun - though I hadn't quite prepared myself for 24 under 4's running around! And of course it was lovely to meet some more new faces :]

Afterwards I made use of being in the city and went to buy myself...one of those big folders that I can't think of the name of right now. You know the ones, with suspension files in them? One of those. Anyway, I went to buy one of those, along with said suspension files, to try and find a more sustainble way of organising all my papers. Of course, when I then got home it was time to productively procrastinate and organise said papers :]

Then it was back to actual productivity. Finishing essay. Solo presentation reading. Group presentation prep.

Sleep please?!

The kind of thing that happens in our flat during deadline season!


(Fee, I hear that our dear rat friend quite likes all things chocolatey...)

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