Boys and girls

Corin. XBox. Forza 4.

He asks me questions...
"Which rims should I put on this car?"

I give him my opinion, but the little voice in my head is saying
"but it's not real, why does it matter?"

James XBox. Any game.
He tells me all about the characters and the game play.
I try to be interested.
But the little voice in my head is saying
"but it's not real, why does it matter?"

Then I feel bad, because I am dismissing something that they enjoy and I am dismissing it because
a. I don't understand
b. I can't do it

I have a complete inability to use a gamepad/controller thingummy wotsit. I also seem to get motion sickness when I watch them playing games.

I think it's a boy/girl thing. I'm not wired up for games and such like. I'm wired up for shoes, chocolate, telescopes and cameras.

In other news, had a hilarious conversation with mum this evening which I have to share (apologies mummy - am not taking the mickey, but it's still making me laugh now)

Mum: "I can get you a big telescope to use whilst you are here this summer if you want"
Me: "Erm, well, how big is big and what sort of telescope is it?"
Mum "Well, it's about 3 and a half feet high"
I hope mum didn't hear me snigger!
Me "No what I meant was what diameter is the tube and what length is it"
Mum "Oh, I don't know that."
Me "Do you know what type it is? Make, model?"
Mum "Oh, no, none of that. But it if you can get it lined up on a planet then it's all aligned (according to the people who own the telescope but who have not yet maanged to set it up and view anything)"

I realised part way in to the conversation that my answer should have been
"Yes mum, that would be smashing, but please could you find out what make and model it is". Instead I started wittering about refractors and reflectors, and tube assemblies and all sorts of shite that she didn't really need to know. In my defence I had just woken from what felt like an hour long coma so I was not functioning effectively.

So, sorry mum for being abrupt - the telescope access would be smashing and maybe I can show you some groovy stuff that you wouldn't know about otherwise - would be nice to share the stargazing with you.

Finally, the BBC rang again "We'd love to interview you for the show" Friday, sometime in the afternoon, that's what's happening.

Still doesn't mean it will get used and I am very grounded about that reality. But....

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