around here somewhere

By thehammerton

Not in the tourist guide

This is part of Shrewsbury's notorious 70 Steps - without any doubt the most unpleasant thoroughfare in the town centre, and probably anywhere in the town.

The sets of steps are punctuated by sections of passageway and an entirely oppressive corridor section that winds through the bowels of the shopping centre complete with blind corners, passing by various locked service doors and some razor wire as highlights en route. I just googled it (to double check how many steps there actually are: I couldn't find out but its about 108, why it modestly pretends there are less is another mystery) and came up with a lot of hits about crime, health risks and graffiti. It's a surprise and a mystery to me that it is even still open.

I wasn't there for the view - this was taken at about 7.10 am and I was on my way to get some bread and other vital provisions it turned out we didn't have. For all the numerous negatives this is the quickest (and driest) route up to the shop. With a definite sense of the clock ticking before I had to leave on the combined school run/journey to work it was the expedient choice, and thankfully I don't have a particularly acute sense of smell...

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