Just Because

By Sarah75

Black Spaghetti

This is a frequent scene in our house -Jay tidying his 'toy' boxes out.

There was literally black spaghetti spewing out of every draw and box in the living room again so I made him sort them all out tonight. There's usually several of the same type of wires and connector thingies, but apparently they're all vital for something or other. This is a man in training I reckon!

Apart from doing battle with the gadget monster I had a nice day. I helped out with messy play for the new nursery starters at Jay's school, then did some work when I got home, did some sorting out while Jay sorted his stuff, and now I'm about to cry like a baby watching Long Lost Family!

I hope Thursday has treated you all kindly :-)

PS I seem to just be doing snaps at the moment rather than attempting proper shots, I promise once the weather improves my photos will too :-)

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