
By TrishaR

Another Hectic Thursday

. . which started off with a walk with Breagha, trip to gym, supermarket shop, lunch at the local farm shop/cafe - Gloagburn, picked up the 3 schoolboys for the Thursday Club, then got Ben and all the boys had a good play outdoors in the garden as the rain showers stayed away. I thought Breagha was wandering around the garden but it turns out she disappeared over the wall and I saw 2 people at the top of the drive with this lovely cocker spaniel on a lead and then realised it was Breagha. They found her wandering about the pavement and telephoned what they thought was our mibile but it was the microchip number as the tag fell off last week and we haven't replaced it yet. Luckily the woman remembered seeing a dog living here and brought her back - naughty Breagha. She also wandered off later on - she is acting abit strange actually tonight - she hid under the bed later on so not sure why she is acting neurotic.

Tea-time on my own with 3 schoolboys and a toddler was manic, trying to juggle the feeding of Ben (well I just left him to feed himself while I cooked the fish etc. He seemed to manage fine (good boy) . Will be glad my mum is back for next Thursday.

Here is the brothers having a sword fight in the garden. Cameron is so good with his wee brother:-))

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