The Taste Challenge


Close your eyes . No cheating. Take a sip from glass one and then clear your palate and take a sip from glass two.

Now make a completely independent and unbiased decision and tell me which one is the best drink

Glass One : Full of stuff that doctors tell us is bad for us but frankly I would marry a bottle of the stuff and live with it,together and happily ever after. It always has a percentage on the side of it's bottle which I think indicates how much of your day you should spend drinking it.

Glass Two: Full of of Nitric Oxide, is nature's organic energy boost and apparently carries an " informed sports certificate" . ( Since when did vegetable juice need a certificate?) It even has a little signature on it by it's maker but I think Lawrence Mallinson may have forgotten to mention that it makes you wretch and makes your wee red and makes you beg for gastronomic mercy.

Organic my arse. Beetroot Juice Smeetroot juice.

I know which one I would chose every time. But I am not in any way trying to influence your decision here.

Here's our Graham with a quick reminder.
Heaven or Hell
Glass One or Glass Two?

Which would you chose?

Happy Friday folks only 2 days until the marathon and it seems I really AM trying anything to help me. I was full of nature shots and ramblings and philosophies about ego and disapointment but sod all that. I felt I had to share the joy of beetroot juice with you instead!!

I can't believe this song exists !!!

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