Quite possibly....

the best phone call I have ever received.


"Hi, is that Sarah? This is Jon Culshaw speaking...."

My jaw hit the desk.

I was expecting a phone call from the Sky at Night team. I wasn't expecting JC to be the one who rang me.

He had a quick chat with me and then said "In a moment, we are going to go into Television land and myself, Paul (Paul Abel) and the team are going to ask you about how you've done on the Moore Marathon....the next voice you hear will be Paul....here we go..."

Then I hear Paul Abel doing an introduction and then my name, and my location, and BANG ...JC starts interviewing me, and Paul chips in, and I say something which causes much mirth and merriment amongst the assembled team at the other end of the phone (which I am keeping to myself, just in case they do use it!).

But, the best of it...Sir Patrick Moore then asked me some questions, and he finished with "Well Sarah, it was lovely to hear you"

So, after that, everything else has just paled into insignificance.

I know that they have interviewed a number of different people today and that IF my interview is used, it will be edited down into about 30 seconds, without me waffling on, but I am (excuse the pun) over the moon and, YES, a little bit starstruck.

The episode will air next Sunday, 6th May. I will be watching to see whether I made the cut.

What a day!

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