My Day, My Life

By SixtySix66

Black Man Ray

Thursday 8th & Friday 9th December 1983.

I remember exactly where I was on both of these days, more precisely, the evenings.

Messieurs Summer, Summers & Copeland, collectively known as, The Police, were doing 2 shows at The Edinburgh Playhouse.

Part of the Synchronicity Tour.

Well I couldn't make my mind up over which night to go, so I went to both.

Those gigs were amazing!

The band, the hits, the atmosphere, it was electric!

Sharing the bill, were China Crisis who'd had a bit of chart success themselves.

King In A Catholic Style.
Wishful Thinking.
Black Man Ray.
And my personal favourite, Christian.

I do believe they're still touring.

As for the other band, they broke up not long afterwards.

I wonder what they're doing now?

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