[life is good]

By keehner

'i see god in you'

'I know you cannot read my mind, but I hope you feel my vibe...'

so I lost my cord to upload photos....hence my MIA status.
I finally sucked it up today and bought a card reader.
hopefully I'll have some time tonight to catch up on the past couple weeks.

my life of as late?
I am...
...getting settled into the south.
...passionately watching the election via select spots in the woods that I get cell phone service and can check the headlines.
...planning my way out to california next spring.
...a little bit in like and waiting to see where it goes.

most importantly [and defining, I would say], is that I am now the main figure in 8 teenage boys lives who need, more than anything, unconditional love. we live together, laugh together, cry together, work together, support each other, sometimes fight each other. we've danced, wrestled, joked. I've taken insults, threats, lies, physical lashing outs. I've heard the nastiest language, been called the cruelest names, have had things spat at me I would never wish upon my worst enemy in the heat of the moment.

but every night, I tuck each one in, sit on their bed, and promise them tomorrow brings a new day. sometimes I get a hug, a fist pound, a confession, an apology in return. we give a piece of ourselves to each other to hold onto, grow a little bit closer, erase those wrongs, go to bed with a smile on our faces, find a little bit of God in each other.

and we get up the next day and do it all over again.

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