
By nicky


I went up to the V&A today with other members of my textile group. Although we are taking a break from exhibiting for a while, we still try and meet up every couple of months to keep in touch and whet our creative appetites.

The first thing we looked at was the cape made from spiders' silk. Naively, I was expecting a cloak that looked like a spiders' web, so I was a tad disappointed at first as isn't anything like that. However, having watched the video about how it was made, it was quite impressive.

Next we looked at a display of some of the new acquisitions of the gallery, of which the shot above was one. It's a set of glass jars with glass 'creatures' in each one - they look like jellyfish (which is what attracted me) but they aren't real specimens. All in all, this was a good room to look in as it had a bit of everything, rather than having to trudge round a whole gallery of furniture, or glass, or whatever.

Finally, the others wanted to go in the British Design exhibition that is on at the moment. I wasn't keen (£12 entrance fee) but as the others were going, I thought I would. But I think we were all disappointed as it seemed to consist of all the design icons that you might expect and there wasn't any real story or journey through the exhibition. Disappointing for the money. Still, good to get out and about for a change.

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